
Our Services

Pure PLM offers a suite of services, because we know that Product Lifecycle Management, or PLM, should be approached as a methodology, not just a system.

Business analysis and process review: We help organisations improve their performance by analysing existing business processes and areas of concern, then developing plans for improvement.

Process mapping: We document current, or 'as is', processes, and recommend desired, or 'to be', processes. This enables businesses to identify areas of inefficiency, and recognise the potential for improvement.

Request for proposal (RFP) generation: We provide support in the creation of detailed RFPs, based on individual project and company needs. This tailored approach ensures that a project's scope is clearly aligned with business objectives.

System evaluation and review: We identify the best available technology suited to an organisation's current and future needs. Rather than risking a complex, time-consuming and potentially costly selection process to internal resources, organisations can rely on our up-to-the-minute expertise to identify the right solutions, fast.

PLM return on investment (ROI) summary: We produce clear ROI statements, which are integral to business cases that demonstrate the financial benefits of introducing new technology.

Project management: We manage the scope, phases and timelines of business and IT projects, including the implementation of packaged or customised solutions.

PLM systems implementation and deployment: We support the introduction of new systems to an organisation, drawing on many years' experience to ensure that everything from training to resource management is undertaken effectively.

PLM training: We deliver workshops and other training that enables systems to be smoothly integrated into business processes. We assist in limiting the negative impact change can have on an organisation, while also maximising the benefits of adopting new technology and processes.

PLM system customisation: We can tailor aspects of the systems we support according to individual customers' needs.